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“We focus on a broad line-up, unique experiences and an expression that stands out. We have identified a gap that we want to fill.” - Jonas Lööw, entrepreneur and founder of Downtown Riot.

Downtown Riot is a newly started music festival with a focus on the overall experience. The festival should be easily accessible in an urban environment for anyone who appreciates rock, hard rock and metal. Downtown Riot will have its premiere on 6-7 May 2022 at Fållan - a unique venue in Slakthusområdet, right next to Globen in Stockholm. “We are investing in a broad line-up and an expression that stands out. We have identified a gap that we want to fill.” says Jonas Lööw, entrepreneur and founder of Downtown Riot. The scenes are located inside an old meat packing facility, which creates a unique and raw urban vibe. Adjacent to the venue itself is an associated outdoor area, which during the festival will be called Patches & Pins. This area will have its own separate program with some of Sweden's best tattoo artists, live graffiti painting, DJ’s, partner activities plus food and drinks that suits the particular. The merchandise will also be sold here - an obvious element in the area. “Patches & Pins will simply be its own small micro-festival within the festival, where the focus is on entertaining our visitors with unique experiences.” Jonas continues. In addition to presenting an attractive and well-balanced line-up with everything from classic rock to brutal thrash metal, the focus is on the overall experience. On Saturday during the day, the program includes interviews and panel discussions with interesting guests. This will take place on the indoor stages. The festival has also invited artists, various fan communities and other interesting performers who are in line with the concept.

To add a further dimension to the festivities, Downtown Riot Nightclub will open when the live music is done for the day. It will be exclusive with a limited number of visitors, famous DJ’s and the best club imaginable for you, who appreciate harder music. Admission can only be purchased as a supplement to your festival pass. “We want to offer our visitors something extra in every way, both musically and through a different and spectacular overall experience. It really is all-important to us.” tells Sari H Wilholm, producer for Downtown Riot.

Ultimately, what distinguishes Downtown Riot the most is perhaps that the festival will dedicate a number of slots to unsigned bands. This is something that is missing at many other festivals today and therefore visitors will see some carefully selected bands that the festival management believes are meant to take over the baton in the future. "Believe us when we dare to promise some of tomorrow's arena bands!" concludes Martin Gustafsson, PR and marketing manager for Downtown Riot.

We will very soon present the first bands and provide information about the tickets - keep an eye on our website and our social media platforms.

PRESS CONTACT Martin Gustafsson +46 708-39 85 06

PRODUCER/PARTNERSHIPS Sari H Wilholm +46 708-27 16 28 FESTIVAL MANAGER Jonas Lööw +46 708-31 24 44 Instagram: @downtown_riot Facebook: downtownriotsthlm You are hereby invited to join the riot!


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